The most powerful action you can take right now to help build resilience and hope for families living in poverty is to invest in the COVID-19 Resilience Fund.

We have identified 50 immediate projects that will help the communities we serve build resilience to COVID-19 and other diseases. Your support will unleash’s ability to deliver these critical resources now, positively impacting millions of people living in poverty over the next three years.

The initial funding needs total $10 million. Contributions to the fund will be pooled and used flexibly to build resilience among those we serve, our organization, and across our partnerships.

We invite you to consider a philanthropic donation that will help ensure the resiliency of people living in poverty through access to critical water, sanitation and hygiene solutions in the next three years. Together, we can transform the lives of at least 5 million people in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Now more than ever, access to safe water is critical

One in four people around the world lack access to safe water and two in five don’t have access to a safe toilet. The impact of these deficiencies is devastating in normal times and exponentially more so in the midst of a global pandemic. This is critical because:

  • Water and health are inextricably linked. We cannot have a comprehensive health response to COVID-19 without a comprehensive water and sanitation response. Ensuring that everyone has safe and consistent water, sanitation and hygiene practices is necessary to stop transmission of COVID-19 and other viruses. And water and sanitation at home is the first step.
  • We are all interconnected. COVID-19 has brought into sharp focus that we are only as healthy as the most vulnerable among us.
  • Access to affordable financing is a key barrier. Millions of people living in poverty pay high costs in both time and money because they do not have reliable access to water and sanitation at home. A small, affordable loan makes access at home possible.

COVID-19 has impacted, our local partners, and people without access to safe water and sanitation.

  • Impact on the people we serve - COVID-19 is disproportionately affecting the people we serve — those living in poverty across Africa, Asia, and Latin America — because they are more vulnerable to the economic repercussions and limited access to medical care and water and sanitation at home.
  • Impact on - The pandemic and resulting lockdowns in the countries where we work are slowing or halting economic activity, which means that fewer people can access loans for water and sanitation. Additionally, some of our funding commitments have been disrupted as donors and companies are saving and/or redirecting their giving in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic uncertainty.
  • Impact on our partners - Many of our implementing partners are temporarily unable to reach new customers because of liquidity constraints and closures. Many have adjusted their operations, such as temporarily stopping lending, restructuring payments, halting the collection of loan payments, and providing emergency goods to vulnerable clients. Most of the water utilities we work with are continuing to provide services, whether people can pay or not, but it is unclear how long this can continue.
  • Impact on the water and sanitation sector - The pandemic has required a significant shift in focus by governments toward reducing disease transmission and mitigating near-term effects, which could have short- and long-term negative impacts on increasing water and sanitation access. Opportunities to encourage public and private investments in water and sanitation among families living in poverty are critical.