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Together, we've empowered millions of people with access to safe water and sanitation. We invite you to meet some of them and read their stories.


From far away to close to home

Her family used to walk more than one hour to collect the water they needed. From far away to close to home, Christina shortened the distance between her family and the safe water they needed to survive and thrive.

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“In the past it was very hard for us. The water source was very far.”
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Miraildes' battle for water is over

Miraildes and her husband, Jose raise their family of four in Brejao in the state of Bahia where rivers flow, hills span for miles, and coffee farms flourish. For many years the family lacked a reliable source of safe water at home. To get water, Miraildes walked to a river to collect it. She called this a daily battle for water. Read more to find out how a small loan empowered Miraildes and her husband to end their water crisis.

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Gecilda is at peace and happy

Gecilda’s life in Sitio Boa Esperança, a small rural community in Brazil, was once defined by her family’s need for water and the challenges she faced to obtain it. Watch to find out how a small, affordable loan for a lasting safe water solution helped change her life

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From safe water flows hope

Aucilene's story is one of resilience, transformation, and hope. Before her family got lasting, affordable access to a reliable water source, Aucilene felt every day was a battle. “It was tough,” she recalls. “We had to collect water from far away.” Thanks to your support, Aucilene has access to safe water at home now, where hope and opportunities for her family flow.

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She is a warrior

“Being a woman and getting water… is being a warrior!” After years of relentless struggle to find and collect the water her family needed to survive, Francisca stands victorious over her water crisis. “I am a real warrior because I have been through a lot of hard times,” she declares with pride.

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Finding their wealth in safe water

Jacqueline's story is a testament to the determination many women and their families demonstrate as they endure and overcome one of the world's greatest challenges, a lack of access to safe water at home.

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She is not afraid anymore

With no more uncertainty about the quality of their water or where it will come from each day, Carfel confidently shared, “I am not afraid anymore.” Thanks to the support of our generous donors and funders, Carfel’s worries and fears about the water her family needed have turned to gratitude and comfort because now they have lasting access to safe water at home and the health, hope, and life that flow from it.

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From far away to close to home

Her family used to walk more than one hour to collect the water they needed. From far away to close to home, Christina shortened the distance between her family and the safe water they needed to survive and thrive.

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Together, we can empower more families with safe water.
