Brazil's water and sanitation crisis

Despite having one of the largest economies and highest water availability in the world, there are still deep inequalities in access to water and sanitation among Brazil’s geographical regions, rural and urban communities and households. Out of its population of 215 million people, 27 million people (12% of the population) lack access to safe water and 108 million people (50%) lack access to a safe toilet.

For those who do have access to safe water, the water supply downtime, disruption in service and deficiencies in drinking water systems remain challenging. Current challenges include getting consistent access to water in urban areas (where water is less available), developing infrastructure that reaches people living in more rural areas, and managing the growing sewage treatment issue caused by lack of improved sanitation solutions.

Brazil is heavily dependent on hydraulic energy and droughts impact all Brazilians from reducing the supply of food developed by farms and agribusinesses of all sizes, to affecting the financial expenses of families across the country as inflation increases. Affordable access to safe water and sanitation at home is critical for families in Brazil.

  • Stories of Impact

    Safe water in the midst of drought

    After decades of contending with drought and thirst, a small loan changed everything for Hilberto and Luiza. The couple financed a water well and a storage tank that provide their family and farm animals with safe water and what they refer to as “pure joy” because now they have the water needed to survive and thrive.

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  • Stories of Impact

    She is a warrior

    “Being a woman and getting water… is being a warrior!” After years of relentless struggle to find and collect the water her family needed to survive, Francisca stands victorious over her water crisis. “I am a real warrior because I have been through a lot of hard times,” she declares with pride.

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  • Stories of Impact

    From safe water flows hope

    Aucilene's story is one of resilience, transformation, and hope. Before her family got lasting, affordable access to a reliable water source, Aucilene felt every day was a battle. “It was tough,” she recalls. “We had to collect water from far away.” Thanks to your support, Aucilene has access to safe water at home now, where hope and opportunities for her family flow.

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Brazil impact statistics

People reached 863,000

The number of people who now have access to safe water or sanitation and the health and opportunity they bring.

Capital mobilized (USD) $167 million

Our partners mobilize funds from capital markets to provide water and sanitation loans.

Loans disbursed 250,000

Our local partners make loans to people in need for life-changing safe water and sanitation solutions.

Number of active partners 2

We work with financial institutions, service providers, international agencies, and governments to make an impact.

Repayment rate 99%

Every repaid loan means another family in need can get affordable access to safe water at home.

Average loan size (USD) $669

Small loans can help make a big difference by providing long-term solutions for families in need around the world.

Percent of women borrowers 55%

Women are primarily responsible for household water collection and are solving the water crisis for their families.

To help end the water crisis in Brazil, donate today.
