Sunday, 25 August

Women and youth: living apart together - women, water, access to finance - the right recipe (Seminar Session 2)

  • Time: 14:00-15:30
  • Room: L8

  • Description: This session highlights the potential losses facing the water sector due to the absence of active and meaningful participation of women and youth.

  • Presenting from Lesley Pories, Sector Strategy Manager

  • Co-conveners: Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT) Water for Women Fund, Stockholm International Water Institute, The World Bank Group, UN Women,, Water Youth Network

To review resources related to this session, click here.

Entrepreneurship driving water impact for all - Scaling Water and Sanitation Access through Loans to WSS Enterprises (Seminar Session 3)

  • Time: 16:00-17:30
  • Room: L9

  • Description: This session features a “Hard Talk” with entrepreneurs, financiers, and accelerators aimed at finding solutions towards achieving Agenda 2030.

  • Presenting from Mary Ngunjiri, Program Manager, Kenya

  • Co-conveners: Global Water Entrepreneurship Pact, Inter-American Development Bank, Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea, San Miguel Corporation, Stockholm International Water Institute

Getting the foundations right for sustainable and pro-poor financial solutions

  • Time: 16:00-17:30
  • Room: M2

  • Description: This session will unpack the foundational issues around building an environment which enables WASH finance, and will draw attention to the consequences of "business as usual" and highlight examples of how sector innovators are tackling these barriers to sustainability.

  • Co-conveners: Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), IRC, The World Bank Group,

Monday, 26 August

The right blend: tailoring finance vehicles for context-specific success

  • Time: 14:00-15:30
  • Room: L8

  • Description: This session will highlight the various types of financial instruments used to unlock capital for water and sanitation. It will cover their basic features and impact to date, with a special focus on why particular instruments were chosen for a specific purpose and country context.

  • Co-conveners: Government of the Netherlands, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency,, World Water Council


Tuesday, 27 August

Pitching for finance: what do investors want?

  • Time: 9:00-10:30
  • Room: L8

  • Description: A panel of finance experts will evaluate water project pitches, enabling participants to experience financial decision-making and learn about return expectations and risk appetites.

  • Presenting from Matt Morrison, Senior Manager, Global Investors

To review resources related to this session, click here.

Transforming societies to meet the SDGs: the role of finance (Seminar Session 2)

  • Time: 11:00-12:30
  • Room: L8

  • Description: This session will discuss how to create the enabling environment for sustainable investments in water.

  • Presenting from Lesley Pories, Sector Strategy Manager
Stockholm World Water Week 2019

Wednesday, 28 August

Unlocking finance for “leaving no one behind” in the Americas

  • Time: 9:00-10:30
  • Room: L9

  • Description: This session will cover a comprehensive assessment of all systems at play when considering finance, from unlocking finance access, to new and different capital streams in water and sanitation services and how they are being considered and/or deployed.

  • Co-conveners: FEMSA Foundation, Inter-American Development Bank, Water For People,, World Resources Institute

To review resources related to this session, click here.

The power of catalyzing women’s leadership to advance WASH adoption

  • Time: 14:00-15:30
  • Room: M1

  • Description: This session will cover the WASH challenges impacting women and communities and options that exist via governance structures to help advance their lives in targeted communities.

  • Co-conveners: CARE India, Gap, Inc., Institute for Sustainable Communities, United States Agency for International Development,, WaterAid

To review resources related to this session, click here.

Finance at scale: launching the WASH global credit enhancement facility

  • Time: 17:00-17:30
  • Room: Sofa session

  • Description: and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) are launching a Global Credit Enhancement Facility that will unlock local commercial finance for household water and sanitation. Leaders from these organizations will share the intimate details of the dedicated facility and plans for expanding it globally.

  • Co-conveners: International Finance Corporation (IFC),
  • Watch the full sofa session here or view a shorter version here.

Asia focus: inclusive financing for water

  • Time: 11:00-12:30
  • Room: M6

  • Description: This session highlights creative financing mechanisms being developed to "crowd in" private sector capital , entrepreneurs and public sector service providers to expand networks to those living in poverty.

  • Co-conveners: Asia Pacific Water Forum, Asian Development Bank, International Water Centre, Japan International Cooperation Agency, Manila Water, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development,, World Wide Fund for Nature

To review the summary from the session, click here.

Enabling water utilities to better serve low-income households through financing

  • Time: 14:00-14:30
  • Room: Sofa session

  • Description: Urban water utilities operate at the front line for universal water access, and financing their services is a major barrier to expansion. This sofa session investigates the challenges of, and potential for, finance to scale impact. Mr. Yulianto SH, Director of the urban water utility for Batang Province, Indonesia, will join to discuss the challenges he faces in accessing finance to scale impact as well as strides he's made in recent years, with an emphasis on the how.

  • Co-conveners: PDAM District of Batang,


Thursday, 29 August

Innovation: Business as unusual. What is innovation? (Seminar Session 1)

  • Time: 9:00-10:30
  • Room: L12

  • Description: This opening session addresses the urgency of innovation as a means for achieving SDG 6. The role of collaboration with diverse stakeholders in up-scaling innovative solutions will be highlighted, as well as strategies and case studies showcasing innovation in technology, partnerships, business models, legal aspects and financing.

  • Presenting from Lesley Pories, Sector Strategy Manager

To review resources related to this session, click here.

Women, water, access and finance: the right recipe

  • Time: 11:00-12:30
  • Room: L9

  • Description: This session presents new World Bank and data from the Philippines that underscores the impact that well-designed microcredit programs can have on women accessing household water and sanitation, especially when combined with targeted government subsidies. It then expands into a diverse, all-female panel exploring needs beyond finance from their varied perspectives.

  • Co-conveners: The World Bank Group,

To review resources related to this session, click here.


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