A way for Liliana to make a way
Liliana sells cosmetics to her friends and neighbors to supplement her husband’s income. Otherwise, she spends the lion’s share of her time at home, caring for her daughter and raising the animals her family keeps.
Before her family had a toilet, they used a hole in the ground, and when Liliana needed water, she was forced to either walk a great distance, or ask her neighbors for help. Time consuming and burdensome, Liliana does not miss those days of wasted time and lost income.

The moment she gave birth, she knew she didn’t want her daughter to grow up like she had, so Liliana sought a solution. Recognizing millions of Peruvians simply needed finance to help them access water at home, Water.org already laid the groundwork for the solutions Liliana wanted; equipping financial partners like Caja Sullana to make small loans to people to construct their own water taps and toilets.

With a small, affordable loan, Liliana installed a water tap and a private bathroom. With time back on her side, she is able to sell makeup to repay her loan. Liliana shared, “Water is a basic need for life...for food, cleaning, and bathing. My daughter, my husband and I…we can’t live without it.”
Give water credit for empowering Liliana with more time and the ability to change her young daughter’s future.