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Safe water, healthy babies

Access to safe water is critical to the health of women and their babies during pregnancy and after. Walking to collect water and carrying heavy vessels of water can be dangerous for a pregnant woman. Learn their stories here.

The power of water for Tamenech's family

Not only did Tamenech want to prevent her children from walking to rivers or ponds to find water like she did as a child, but her role as a nurse gave her the insight to know how unhealthy that water is. Read Tamenech's story.

To endless possibilities

The management of Birtukan and Adisu's home and the success of their business would not be possible without water. Learn how was able to help these two with a small affordable loan.


A story about how a woman in Ethiopia, Africa got access to clean water through a microfinance loan. Learn how small contributions from people like you can make a BIG difference.

Funding Partners

As a funding partner, your investment supports innovative water and sanitation solutions that scale and sustain. Learn how to contribute and join our mission today.

Water for Matthews' family

Matthews and Butukan live in a semi-rural village outside of Sodo, Ethiopia. The couple built their mud and thatch home a couple of years ago, before their daughter was born. Learn how was able to empower this family.

Water means Lomitu saves time and earns more

Lomitu lives in Ethiopia and until recently, didn’t have access to safe water. Forced to walk a half hour to an unprotected spring, Lomitu was losing the time she spent making a living. Learn how worked to empower Lomitu.

Southeast Asia Newsletter November 2017

Updates on's work in Southeast Asia

Homework looks different now

Boys and girls will spend up to 6 hours each day finding and collecting water, and likely walk more than 3 miles to do it. Learn how has empowered children around the word through the use of small affordable loans.

Progress on Access to Safe Water and Sanitation

On December 1st, 2014, in partnership with The MasterCard Foundation, convened the second East Africa WaterCredit Forum. Learn how this forum came to be and it's past and future implications on the Global Water Crisis.

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