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Together, we've empowered millions of people with access to safe water and sanitation. We invite you to meet some of them and read their stories.

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Bright days ahead for Afroza's family

For Afroza, water is more than just a necessity—it is health, and it is freedom. With every drop of water drawn from her well, she is reminded that new days full of hope and possibility are ahead. Read her story.

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From fear and heartache to comfort and pride

For most moms, the health and safety of their children are always top of mind. Even before a mom’s own needs, giving her kids the essential resources needed to protect and save their lives is the priority. For Masura in Bangladesh, not being able to give their kids resources like safe water and a private toilet can be scary and heartbreaking.

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Safe water in the midst of drought

After decades of contending with drought and thirst, a small loan changed everything for Hilberto and Luiza. The couple financed a water well and a storage tank that provide their family and farm animals with safe water and what they refer to as “pure joy” because now they have the water needed to survive and thrive.

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Gecilda is at peace and happy

Gecilda’s life in Sitio Boa Esperança, a small rural community in Brazil, was once defined by her family’s need for water and the challenges she faced to obtain it. Watch to find out how a small, affordable loan for a lasting safe water solution helped change her life

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From safe water flows hope

Aucilene's story is one of resilience, transformation, and hope. Before her family got lasting, affordable access to a reliable water source, Aucilene felt every day was a battle. “It was tough,” she recalls. “We had to collect water from far away.” Thanks to your support, Aucilene has access to safe water at home now, where hope and opportunities for her family flow.

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Finding their wealth in safe water

Jacqueline's story is a testament to the determination many women and their families demonstrate as they endure and overcome one of the world's greatest challenges, a lack of access to safe water at home.

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Together, we can empower more families with safe water.
