Health stories

Together, we've empowered millions of people with access to safe water and sanitation. We invite you to meet some of them and read their stories.

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Beauty in Bangladesh

When Beauty got married, her husband Manu gave her two wedding gifts, water and a stepdaughter.

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Mitu in Bangladesh

A lack of in-house toilets in Bangladesh often jeopardizes health, safety, and dignity. Discover Mitu's story of how she plans to bring an in-house toilet to her family.

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Water for Fitri
Water for Fitri

Sumy wants her daughter to have a good life, one unburdened by the water crisis. Read how something called WaterCredit empowered Sumy and her husband to make that life possible for Fitri.

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Playtime in Peru
Making play possible

Deep in the rural hills beyond Sullana, Peru families make their homes on the high grounds above the banana farms and rice paddies. Children walk a few kilometers down dusty dirt roads to attend classes, and at the end of a warm winter’s day, return home for chores and more importantly, play.

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Water is an investment in family

José works hard. He is driven by his desire to give his young daughters and wife a good life. Read how through access to safe water at home, José was able to do more for his family.

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Marta in Peru
Marta's water connection

When asked why water is so important to her, Marta replied, "It is important because I feel more comfortable and clean. My house is cleaner. I have better health now, and...a better life.”

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Uni in Indonesia
Waiting a lifetime for water

Uni is unsure of her exact age and admittedly, she doesn't know what the next day holds. However, one thing she can be certain of is that soon she will have access to safe water at home.

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Thy in Cambodia
For Thy's girls

“No father wants his daughters unsafe just because they don’t have water at home.” Heartfelt words spoken from a father raising two girls in rural Cambodia.

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Cambodia's water crisis
Fear to freedom

Concerned for their daughters’ safety, this couple found a solution that empowered them to stop fearing what could go wrong, and start dreaming about what could go right.

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Mary in Kenya
Half empty, or half full?

At her home in Kenya, Mary's old water tank posed a serious risk to her and her family's health as an open barrel of standing water can quickly become a breeding ground for disease-carrying mosquitoes.

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Ethiopia's water crisis
The power of water in Ethiopia

Ethiopia has experienced recurring bouts of drought and floods for years.'s work in Ethiopia empowered families and communities to access available safe water and sanitation solutions.

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Together, we can empower more families with safe water.
