Economic potential stories

Together, we've empowered millions of people with access to safe water and sanitation. We invite you to meet some of them and read their stories.

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Play in Indonesia
Give water credit for time to play

Summer is a time for fun and play. But for millions of kids who don't have access to safe water, the joys of summer and time to play are a world away. Take a moment to celebrate the play times you’ve helped make possible by watching video clips of kids playing in the communities where we work.

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Dora and Moses Peru 2
Dora and Moses

The only thing missing from the home they loved was easy access to safe water and sanitation.

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Bachamma in India
Milk money

Bachamma and her husband live in a thatched-roof home with a covered entry where they keep their dairy cows. In addition to drinking water for her family, she needs to water their cows multiple times a day to keep up their milk production.

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Water is an investment in family

José works hard. He is driven by his desire to give his young daughters and wife a good life. Read how through access to safe water at home, José was able to do more for his family.

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Angelina in Peru
Safer in so many ways

The village where Angelina lives did not have access to water until recently when her municipality built water lines throughout the community. While the infrastructure was put in place, it was up to individual villagers to pay for a connection.

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Gilbert in Kenya
Make it rain

Depending on their situation, millions in need have the potential to define their own safe water and sanitation solutions through small, affordable loans.

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Rosalie in the Philippines
She's in control now

Rosalie was eager to share her water connection with us. She is a young mother and cannot imagine life for herself and her children without access to safe water.

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Manjula in India
Few things are more valuable than time

Without a water tap at home, Manjula had no choice but to carry a 20-30 pound container back-and-forth each day from a community water tank about a kilometer from her home.

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Ethiopia's water crisis
The power of water in Ethiopia

Ethiopia has experienced recurring bouts of drought and floods for years.'s work in Ethiopia empowered families and communities to access available safe water and sanitation solutions.

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Aisyah is smart

Meet Aisyah. Empowered with access to safe water at home, she changed her own world.

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Together, we can empower more families with safe water.
