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Together, we've empowered millions of people with access to safe water and sanitation. We invite you to meet some of them and read their stories.

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Sok's family has safe water now

Across the country of Cambodia more than 11 million people in need lack access to safe water. Like millions of other women, to get the water Sok’s family needed to survive, she had no choice but to collect it from a nearby river. Read about how Sok got affordable access to safe water.

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Lilis is proud to have safe water at home

As the COVID-19 pandemic made its way to Lilis’ village, the safety and comfort she felt about her home, their access to food and water, and their finances shifted. Lilis had new concerns about her family's ability to survive.

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When COVID-19 reached Obwiri’s community, she had increasing concerns about her family’s sanitation situation. Read about how a small loan empowered her to solve her family's water and sanitation crisis at a critical time.

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Queen of the hills

Joinab introduces herself as the “queen of the hills” and rightfully so as she has conquered her family’s water crisis high in the hills of Chittagong, Bangladesh.

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Anah lives in rural Indonesia where she grows her family's food and enjoys hosting guests. Until recently she lacked an adequate supply of water to feed her livestock and water her crops. She also did not have a bathroom for her daughter and visitors. She longed to have water and a toilet and thanks to your support, she now has both.

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Improved sanitation brings comfort and safety

Andrea lives in Brazil. She provides for her family’s necessities like food and shelter, but beyond those things, she has not been in a financial position to save enough money to improve her family’s sanitation situation. Read how a small, affordable loan changed this.

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For some, access to water at home is a dream come true

For Dona Terezinha, access to water at home is a dream come true. Read about how, when the COVID-19 pandemic reached her community, she was empowered with the safe water and toilet she needed to protect herself and her grandson.

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Leah's family has safe water at home now

Leah lives in a rural village about an hour from Nairobi. She was once one of the millions who rely on unimproved water sources to survive. Read her story.

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Sarah and Steve
How Sarah and Steve gave their family safe water

An inspiring story from Kenya, watch as Sarah explains how she and her husband, Steve, were empowered with a small, affordable loan to give their family access to safe water at home.

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Access to sanitation during the COVID-19 pandemic

Now more than ever access to safe water and toilets are critical to the health of families around the world. That's why we're committed to continuing our work to empower people like Jeyalakshmi with access to both and the health and hope they bring.

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Glaucia's sanitation crisis solved

For Glaucia, paying a small amount each month to pay off a loan for a bathroom at home was both affordable and practical. She no longer had to worry about her family’s health and the medical expenses that came with poor hygiene issues. Glaucia gave her family a bathroom much sooner than she’d ever thought imaginable.

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Our partners in Kenya share first-hand the power of lending for water and sanitation
Our partners in Kenya share first-hand the power of lending for water and sanitation

The financial institutions with whom we partner share our vision of safe water and sanitation for all. They share it because our partner financial institutions have seen firsthand how when they lend to their customers for household water and sanitation solutions, these families experience improved health, time for education, income generation and other socio-economic opportunities. Read more about this through the testimonies of our partners in Kenya.

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Together, we can empower more families with safe water.
