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Together, we've empowered millions of people with access to safe water and sanitation. We invite you to meet some of them and read their stories.

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The choice is hers now

For millions of women around the world water collection is not a choice, but a requirement to help keep their families alive. Without access to water at home, women like Tiatun in Indonesia walk miles to a river to collect the water their families need to survive. For Tiatun, a small loan changed her story. Read more.

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Cirliane's water crisis is over

Cirliane lives in a rural farming village in Brazil. Cirliane and her husband, Gean, needed access to safe water at home so they could effectively run their farming and baking businesses and, more importantly, so they could protect the health of their baby boy, Joae.

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Safe water at home in Mexico

With access to safe water at home, Maria Angelica’s family saves $300 a month. This is because she no longer spends money on temporary water sources, now that she has a lasting, sustainable solution at home. Read Maria Angelica's story.

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Mumina at home
Mumina's family still has access to safe water

When she’s not sewing to support her family's income, Mumina gardens a small vegetable bed, launders clothing, and cares for her children. This life—time to sew, water for clean laundry and fresh food, Mumina’s happiness—it is made possible by access to safe water. Something Mumina has known for a few years now, but at one time, she thought was impossible.

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A lasting safe water solution for Zeny's family

Zeny was happy to learn her family could get a small, affordable loan from their local bank to get a water connection at home. Now the family pays less than 5% of their monthly income on water. Read Zeny's story.

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Why Abraham wanted water for his kids

Abraham knew his wife worked hard alongside him, but it was not until her passing that he recognized the weight of the burden she and so many women in Ethiopia carry daily—collecting water for their families.

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Patricia built a life she loves

Patricia is proud of the life she’s built. Through hard work, the 53-year-old mother of three raised a family, built a small farm, and created a life she smiles about. Through's partner, Equity Bank, Patricia and her fellow self-help group members learned they could take out an affordable loan to purchase needed water solutions.

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Ricardo - Peru
The solution for millions

Many people who lack access to water and sanitation know how to solve that problem. They just need a little financial help to make it possible. Dads like Ricardo share the desire of dads around the globe to give their families safe water at home. Making small, affordable loans available for people like Ricardo is how we’re making access to safe water and sanitation possible for all.

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Her family's bright future starts with water

Sally is a mom of four young children. While the eldest three are at school, Sally enjoys time with her youngest, mixing play with the housework. Life for Sally’s family wasn’t always like this. Even before becoming a mom, and for several years after, Sally was responsible for finding the water her family needed to survive.

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The day everything changed

Umi is a mom of two boys. Before getting affordable access to safe water at home, Umi and her seven-year-old son walked to a stream to collect water. Read about how a small loan changed their lives.

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Pawit and Setiyono's journey to water

Before having access to safe water at home, water collection was a major focus of each day for Pawit and Setiyono. Watch the couple's story as they share their journey to getting access to a lasting safe water solution.

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Rain or not - Christine's family has water year-round

Several hours north of Nairobi, on the western side of Kenya sits Bokorin Village. The village is relatively dry as it experiences just two rainy seasons a year. Because the village lacks a utility-type water supply, families in Bokorin rely on the rains as their primary source of water. Families like Christine’s. Read how she got an affordable, lasting source of safe water for her family to have year-round.

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Together, we can empower more families with safe water.
